NFU-O Service Standard

Service Standard for Supporters Making Submissions under NFU-O bylaw 4 (4) and subsection 7(2) 8 of the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations 

Funding Act, 1993 Ontario Regulation 783/20 

Duties of the supporter making a submission: 

  1. As per O. Reg 783/20 Section 7(2) 8, those making submissions must qualify as a supporter as outlined in O. Reg 783/20 Section 7(1). 
  2. All requests must be received in writing. Acceptable formats include email, mail and fax.
  1. The National Farmers Union – Ontario is not responsible for requests that are lost in the mail. 
  1. Submissions must include the name, mailing address OR email address, phone number, and FBR number. 
  2. The submission must clearly lay out the problem and state what actions the supporter would like Regional Council to undertake. 

Duties of the National Farmers Union – Ontario (NFU-O): 

  1. Upon receipt of the submission by the NFU-O office, the Executive Director will forward the submission to the NFU-O President to determine if the request requires council review and a decision. 
  2. If determined that council review and a decision is required, the item will be placed on Council’s agenda for the next Council meeting. At that time, Council will decide upon a course of action. Actions can include further research, denial of the request, a request for clarification or any other actions as Council deems appropriate. 
  3. If directed to regional staff, staff will provide written follow-up support to the supporter and provide a copy to the President and Council for sign off before sending to the supporter. 
  4. The action plan will be communicated to the supporter by the President, Executive Director or staff member based on the decided course of action.  
  5. All requests must fit within the policies of the NFU-O. In order to change NFU-O policies, resolutions must be submitted to the voting members at the AGM. Details can be found below. 

Making submissions at the Annual General Meeting: 

  1. Resolutions must be made in writing to either the Regional Council or to your Local Executive for submission to the Resolutions Committee. 
  2. While resolutions can be submitted from the floor, it is preferable that they be submitted at least 30 days in advance. 
  3. For details on writing a resolution or policies regarding the AGM, please contact the Ontario office. 

Updated: May 2023.

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