NFU-O Service Standard
Added on May 1, 2023
Service Standard for Supporters Making Submissions under NFU-O bylaw 4 (4) and subsection 7(2) 8 of the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations
Funding Act, 1993 Ontario Regulation 783/20
Duties of the supporter making a submission:
- As per O. Reg 783/20 Section 7(2) 8, those making submissions must qualify as a supporter as outlined in O. Reg 783/20 Section 7(1).
- All requests must be received in writing. Acceptable formats include email, mail and fax.
- The National Farmers Union – Ontario is not responsible for requests that are lost in the mail.
- Submissions must include the name, mailing address OR email address, phone number, and FBR number.
- The submission must clearly lay out the problem and state what actions the supporter would like Regional Council to undertake.
Duties of the National Farmers Union – Ontario (NFU-O):
- Upon receipt of the submission by the NFU-O office, the Executive Director will forward the submission to the NFU-O President to determine if the request requires council review and a decision.
- If determined that council review and a decision is required, the item will be placed on Council’s agenda for the next Council meeting. At that time, Council will decide upon a course of action. Actions can include further research, denial of the request, a request for clarification or any other actions as Council deems appropriate.
- If directed to regional staff, staff will provide written follow-up support to the supporter and provide a copy to the President and Council for sign off before sending to the supporter.
- The action plan will be communicated to the supporter by the President, Executive Director or staff member based on the decided course of action.
- All requests must fit within the policies of the NFU-O. In order to change NFU-O policies, resolutions must be submitted to the voting members at the AGM. Details can be found below.
Making submissions at the Annual General Meeting:
- Resolutions must be made in writing to either the Regional Council or to your Local Executive for submission to the Resolutions Committee.
- While resolutions can be submitted from the floor, it is preferable that they be submitted at least 30 days in advance.
- For details on writing a resolution or policies regarding the AGM, please contact the Ontario office.
Updated: May 2023.