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Ontario Farmers for Agricultural Conservation
This report examines farmer attitudes and perceptions of nutrient management, including the risks and solutions to water
contamination from animal manure and the agricultural application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer.
The Canadian Farm Resilience Agency (2024)
This two-page brief summarizes the NFU’s proposed plan for a Canadian Farm Resilience Agency (CFRA): a new institution to lead agricultural emission reduction and climate adaptation.
Who will feed us? New farmer perspectives on agriculture for the future (2021)
This report lays out a road-map for a holistic approach to food systems transformation, from the perspective of new farmers, and how we begin building it together.
Reframing the Farm Labour Crisis in Ontario (2021)
This report chronicles agricultural labour issues on small and mid-sized farms and concludes with a series of recommendations for building farm employer and farm worker capacity and municipal, provincial, and/or federal support and legislation to address those labour issue.
Imagine If: A Vision of a Near-Zero-Emission Farm and Food System for Canada (2021)
This report takes a 2030 viewpoint and invites readers to imagine a wide range of positive policies and on-farm measures implemented in the 2020s to reduce food-system emissions and increase resilience and sustainability.
Taking Stock of Abattoir Regulations (2021)
This report reviews provincial regulations on slaughter, meat processing (cut/wrap), and marketing across Canada.
Tackling the Farm Crisis & the Climate Crisis (2019)
This report argues that the factors driving the climate crisis are also driving the farm crisis, and presents opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture that will also strengthen the family farm.