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Join us for the NFU-O AGM – The power of food: how to build community in the 21st century

The flyer for the growing sustainable communities region 3 convention and NFU-O AGM.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | February 2019

Join us February 21-23 at the Gibson Centre – 63 Tupper Street West, Alliston, for the NFU-O’s annual convention and AGM. This year, we’re focusing on community. Farmers, more than any other industry, rely on our neighbours for advice on the best seeds to plant in our area, assistance when the cows get out, and support during injuries or illness. We also rely on the community of microorganisms that make up healthy soils.

Thursday evening, join us for The Power of Food: How to Build Community in the 21st Century
with Tamer Soliman about how we can regain a sense of community in “the age of loneliness” through food, farms and farmer markets. During this talk, Tamer will share research and personal experiences related to building sustainable communities and the impact this has on both our individual health and the health of our society as a whole. Tamer will also screen his film The Great Disconnect which uncovers why, in a world seemingly more connected than ever before, people are feeling more and more socially isolated – and the true cost this has on our lives and communities. This documentary invites us to reflect on the relationships we have with those around us and raises the question: is it possible to overcome our modern culture of disconnectedness and rediscover how truly essential we are to one other?

On Friday, we’ll hear from Ruth Knight, who has 30 years of experience working with rural community and farm organizations in Ontario. She will be exploring the role of soil health as it relates to community building and mitigating climate change. We will also hear reports from the NFU-O Board, hold elections, and host debates on policy resolutions.

For more information or to book tickets, visit or call 1-888-832-9638.

Click here to view the PDF version.

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