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What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

A green tractor in a field cutting hay in Ontario.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | January 2018

With the new year, some of us might commit to regular exercise, healthier eating, or getting a better night’ s sleep. This year, why not commit to the health of farming in Ontario? The National Farmers Union – Ontario is the only farm organization that promotes the interests and concerns of small and medium scale family farms.

As we reflect on 2017, the NFU-O is proud of the work we’ve done to promote the financial and environmental sustainability of Ontario farmers and our rural communities. Some of this year’s highlights:

  • We supported democratic elections, as opposed to government appointments, for the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Board.
  • We advised the International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes on phosphorus; our recommendations were incorporated into their final report.
  • Presented to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food on A Food Policy for Canada.
  • Were invited to place three representatives on the Prison Farm Advisory Panel.
  • Represented farmers on the Agriculture Soil Health and Conservation Working Group.
  • Held a succession planning workshop.
  • Called on OMAFRA to take action on rabies education and inaccurate vomitoxin testing and provide support for eastern Ontario farmers affected by the flooding.
  • Formed new campaign working groups on climate change, rural infrastructure, tools for farmers, and farmland protection. (Contact us to get involved!)
  • Created the Local Food Advocates Network to engage people in healthcare, education, and faith communities to support local food and the farming community.

Our growing membership and project funding highlights the importance of our work and the value our members place on grassroots democracy. In the NFU, your voice is heard.

Make it a happy NFU year!

Click here to view the PDF version.

A subscription to The Rural Voice is one of the benefits of being an NFU-O member 

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