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There’s a place for you in the NFU

The logo for the National Farmers Union - Ontario.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | February 2018

Why is the NFU-O’s membership growing while other farm organizations shrink?

We work for family farms, not just the big guys.

Some organizations only represent the biggest producers. W e fight for family farms, including small and medium sized producers. That means we can win policies that help small farmers thrive and support local infrastructure for family farmers.

We advocate boldly for farmers and farming communities.

We aren’t afraid to challenge government and corporate interests. We closely monitor government policy, generate our own policy options through thorough research and consultation, and we speak the truth about what family farmers need to succeed.

Some farm organizations accept big bucks from seed companies and equipment manufacturers. We don’t believe in that. We’re the only independent national organization of farmers.

We’re not accountable to Monsanto or the Premier. We’re accountable to you.

We create farmer-friendly policy through our grassroots, democratic approach.

Our power as an organization is rooted in our 22 Locals across Ontario. The NFU’ s goals and policies are based on your input and your votes at the Local level and at Regional and National Conventions.

We may not be the largest of the farm organizations, but our democratic practice means the NFU is a place where you will be heard.

We are a strong and growing community, with leadership by women and youth.

Other farm organizations are shrinking, but the NFU-O membership keeps growing. Why?

Farmers know the status quo isn’ t good enough, and they want to be part of our growing community of successful farmers.

Since 1969, we’ve reserved spaces for women and youth at every level of leadership. No other farm organization has our proud history of inclusion, or our track record of leadership by women and youth. And we prioritize programs and support for young and new farmers.

Choose the organization with a place for you. Choose the organization that can make change. Choose the organization that fights for sustainable family farms. Choose the NFU on your FBR form this year, or call Agricorp at 1-866- 327-3678 to switch. Or call us today at 1-888-832-9638 to join directly.

Click here to view the PDF version.

A subscription to The Rural Voice is one of the benefits of being an NFU-O member 


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