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NFU-O news

A group of people posing for a photo with a Climate Change for Farmers poster.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | July 2019

There are many issues and meetings that are responded to and attended in a month! Some highlighted issues include:

Natural Heritage Designation

Every county is in the process of certifying their official plans, and areas of natural or scientific interest (ANSI) have to be designated in official plans. Some counties are designating peripheral areas of up to 30 metres. The NFU-O supports the intentions of the Natural Heritage Designation (NHD) to protect wetlands and areas of natural and scientific interest from being altered or destroyed in principle. When implementing a NHD, the County needs to meet the criteria of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), which leaves some room for interpretation. W e encourage you to get involved in the discussion if your County is making choices that concern you or affect your farm.

Ontario Food Terminal

The provincial government is reviewing the efficiency of the Ontario Food Terminal (OFT). NFU- O President, Don Ciparis, has been in contact with several people around the issue. As it stands, there is an Advisory Group, which includes no farmer representation, looking at the feasibility of the current location as well as alternatives if the OFT should move. The OFT currently sits on 80 acres of “valuable real estate.” The provincial government has stated that they want to keep it open but ensuring that it is modern and meeting the needs of the businesses that use it.

We are advocating for the Ontario farmers who depend on the OFT for their business alongside the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers and Toronto Wholesale Produce Association.

Animal Welfare Enforcement

As of June 28, 2019, the OSPCA will be stopping all animal welfare enforcement after the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to have a charity who receives donations respond to animal welfare issues. In the interim, the government has passed an act that allows the province to appoint a Chief Inspector, who can appoint qualified local inspectors at humane societies.

The NFU-O sent a brief in response to the province’ s consultation, which can be found on our website. We also welcome any feedback you have around solutions to the issue of animal welfare enforcement to the NFU-O office.

Harassment of Livestock Farmers

Farmers are continuing to be harassed by animal welfare advocates who either trespass onto their farm or meet them at the sale barn, banging on trailers and verbally abusing farmers who are trying to sell their animals.

The NFU-O website has information regarding your rights as well as how to react to trespasser(s). We have written a letter to the provincial legislature requesting that trespassers at the farm or the sale barn be prosecuted.

Climate Action Fund

The NFU-O has received up to $83,606 in funding through the Climate Action Fund to work with farmers to implement farming practices that will help mitigate climate change. For details and how to participate, please visit

Get Involved!

The NFU-O Board is looking for members who have ideas to share and want to discuss issues in more depth. These campaigns and committees are open to farming and non-farming members. Currently, we are looking for members who would like to participate in the following campaigns/committees:

  • Support for Direct Marketers
  • Climate change
  • Farmland Access & Preservation
  • Editorial Committee
  • AGM Committee

For further information or to participate, please contact the office.

Click here to view the PDF version.

A subscription to The Rural Voice is one of the benefits of being an NFU-O member 

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