Farmers’ Voices Matter: The NFU-O Wants to Hear from You!

National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | March 2024
Join the National Farmers Union – Ontario (NFU-O) for its on-line Farmers’ Voices Matter March 2025 Series where we’ll be talking about agricultural policy barriers and solutions.
NFU-O policy is farmer-driven. While Local, Provincial, and National AGMs and Conventions are where resolutions are passed and policy debated, we also like to foster opportunities for members and non-members to share with each other the barriers and solutions to achieving economic dignity, advancing sustainable practices, and/or serving local communities.
In February, the NFU-O held a Farmers’ Voices Matter session where farmers shared their thoughts on Trump’s threatened tariffs and potential Canadian retaliatory measures. As the trade dispute continues, this discussion is helping the NFU develop collective actions to stand up for domestic and export-market oriented farmers.
The NFU-O will be hosting three more Farmers’ Voices Matter on-line meet-ups in March to share and gather policy challenges and solutions affecting Ontario farmers, including:
- Small-Scale Meat Production in Ontario: Policy Barriers & Solutions, Wednesday, March 12th, 2025, 7-9pm. Come listen to Dorothy and Chad Coghlin of Integrated Farms share their story of being the first farmers to enter the Chicken Farmers of Ontario’s (CFO) Local Niche Market Program to expand their fully-pasture raised chicken operation. Stay and participate in an open-ended discussion on what policy supports would help you become a successful small-scale meat producer. Tell us about your experience in the CFO’s Artisanal Chicken Program, or what policy supports you need to be successful as a small-scale pork, beef, goat, or lamb producer.
- Insuring Success: Let’s Talk Business Risk Management Programs, Wednesday, March 19th, 2025, 7-9pm. Join NFU-O leaders and staff to share whether the federal-provincial Business Risk Management programs are working for you. Whether you are a vegetable, fruit, grain, or livestock producer we want to know whether you feel protected by the BRM suite of tools (AgriStability, AgrInsurance, AgriInvest, AgriRecovery, and/or Ontario’s Risk Management Program). Never heard of them? Come learn more! Have a beef? We’re here to listen! We’ll discuss eligibility, contributions/premiums, etc. Tell us how these programs can better serve you.
- Advancing Policy Changes for Non-Quota Egg Production, Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 7-9pm. Last June, aspiring and current non-quota egg producers met to discuss two policy changes they believe will make their businesses more viable without undermining supply management: a) increasing the number of legally-allowed non-quota laying hens beyond the current 100; and b) allowing for the sale of ungraded eggs beyond the farm gate (at farmers’ markets, farm storefronts, CSA drop-offs, etc.) Join us to discuss how other provinces succeeded in making these changes, identify allies, and strategize campaign messaging.
All farmers are welcome to attend. The NFU-O elected leadership and staff will draw upon your concerns and ideas to advance policies and campaigns to support your farm business.
If you are interested in participating, if you can’t attend but want to share your ideas on policy barriers & solutions, and/or if you’d like to recommend another topic to discuss under the NFU-O’s Farmers’ Voices Matter series, please contact Dave Thompson at Register by going to where you can find a calendar with registration links for each event!
Click here to view the PDF version.
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