Local 345
Calling All Members!
It is an exciting time in our Local as we look to map out next steps for next generations of farmers. We stand on the shoulders of so many farmers that worked so hard to organize for the National Farmers’ Union here in Ontario and at the same time took time to fill halls with dinners and dances and celebrations. We look to revitalize the spirit of those days with a good mix of activism on behalf of Ontario farmers and time to meet and greet and laugh with one another. We listen carefully to the voices of our more senior members and for the new voices of our younger farmers. Key this year has been focusing on the financial management of the Local and wise investment of funds. Watch for news about the Local’s Micro-Loan initiative!
Our Annual General Meetings have tackled such topics as: Mental Health & Wellness From the Ground Up Understanding Climate Change from the Field Entering the Greenbelt & Bill 23 Concerning Our Farmland: Threats & Planning for the Future
Member Events have addressed: Farm Machinery & You Farmers’ Markets in Ontario Farmers’ On Tap ( think evenings at local breweries!)
Land-linking & Farmland Conservation Nitrogen Fertilizers In The Know Workshop: Mental Health Awareness Program for the Agriculture Community Fall Pot-Luck Dinner
Local 345 covers a huge swath of eastern Ontario: Durham, City of Peterborough & City of Kawartha Lakes with a huge range of farming practices and concerns. Help us hear your voice and concerns by joining in on one of the Local’s initiatives or reaching out directly to a member of the Executive. Together we are stronger!

Major Towns & Cities Located in Our Local
Events Organized by Local 345
- October 26, 2024 – Fall Potluck Dinner
- December 2, 2024 – Joint Response: Redside Dace Recover Strategy (Caruthers Creek Watershed)
- Watch here for upcoming events. Particularly our AGM 2025!!
Call for Applications: Micro-Loan Program for Farmers
We are excited to announce the launch of our Micro-Loan Program, designed to provide financial credit to members of NFU Local 345.
Background: During the covid pandemic there was limited ability to to hold events. This left our local with a surplus in the bank account and it was subsequently decided to earmark a portion of our reserves for a micro-loan program.
In the spring of 2025, we will be rewarding two recipients with a 1 year loan of $2500 in order to invest in a project on their farm. $500 of the loan is “forgivable” and does not have to be repaid. $2000 will be returned to the Local in the spring of 2026, completing the micro-loan process.
Selection process: The micro-loan committee will select four applications based on the viability and potential impact of the project. NFU members will then vote for the final two recipients at the NFU Local 345 Annual General Meeting, typically held in February or March.
How to Apply:
Interested farmers are encouraged to submit their applications by February 28, 2025. To apply, please send a one-page application including a paragraph on each of the following topics:
1. About Our Farm – Briefly describe your farm, its location, and operations.
2. Microloan Project Description – Explain how the loan will be used and what the project entails.
3. Potential Impact of the Project – Highlight the expected benefits of the project for your farm and community.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
Submit your application to local345@nfuontario.ca For inquiries or assistance with the application process, please contact us at the same email address.
2025 AGM – 3:00 to 5:30pm at the Janetville Community Center
- President — Elizabeth Stocking
- Vice-President — Adrian Stocking
- Treasurer — Dave Kranenburg
- Secretary — Mike Arndt
- Director at Large — Tony Neale
- Director at Large — Ivan Allin
- Youth Representative — Lara Jerome
- Youth Representative — Fianna Dirks