The Canadian Farm Resilience Agency (2024)

This two-page brief from the NFU lays out the need for a new institution to lead agricultural emission reduction and climate adaptation: a “Canadian Farm Resilience Agency” (CFRA).

Built on the positive legacy of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA), but updated for the 21st century, a the NFU’s proposed CFRA would coordinate emissions reduction, resilience building, climate adaptation, education, and data collection.

The PFRA was the right response to the challenges of the 1930s; and a CFRA is the right response as we move toward 2030, and beyond. A CFRA would be a “super PFRA,” with an expanded mandate, operating across Canada. A CFRA would provide a presence in the countryside and support farmers as we move toward Canada’s net-zero future.

CFRA two-page summary - 2nd Edn - 2024 - EN-1

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