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Year in review – strengthening local relationships

A red barn and wagon in the snow.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | December 2018

What an amazing year the NFU-O has had! We’d like to look back and celebrate just some of our accomplishments from 2018.

We have been overwhelmed at the outpouring of support for the 2019 Youth Convergence. People from all over Ontario – both those who work in agriculture and those who don’t – contributed funds to help us meet our goals! From leadership training and skills building to workshops on food justice and climate change, plans are already in the works! Keep an eye on our social media for updates as the planning continues.

Members gave presentations all over the province including at the North American Basic Income conference, on land succession in India and Canada, and a workshop on movement building, farmer power, and effective grassroots action at the Community Movements Conference.

One of the most thrilling successes was that the cows are coming home! After an eight-year struggle by NFU members in Kingston and the participation of three NFU members on the Prison Farm Advisory panel, the dairy cows will be returning to the Joyceville and Collins Bay institutions.

The NFU-O received funding from Friends of the Greenbelt to run consultations across the province on Growing the Greenbelt and with funding from the Law Foundation of Ontario, we created the Y oung Agrarians Ontario Land Access Guide. And we just received funding from Carrot Cache for strengthening Local and organizational relationships in the GTA.

Our Locals have contributed inordinately to the successes above as well as implementing their own projects. Local 334 worked with Prince Edward County to create the Farming Assistance Program providing small grants to support new and young farmers. Grey County continues to work on Indigenous relations by hosting the Kiinoo Mudwin course. Local 316 Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox-Addington sold out its Fall Feast again, raising money for activities for young farmers! Local 330 Renfrew hosted an event on mental health awareness, and Local 328 Lambton hosted an all candidates debate in advance of the provincial elections.

At the core of these successes have been our members. Thank you to all of you who chose to join the NFU-O in 2018. Y our support – either directly or indirectly – makes all of this possible. We look forward to your membership and further collaborations in 2019.

We wish you and your families safe and happy holidays!

Local 316 presents its first annual 4-H scholarship

National Farmers Union Local 316 (Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox-Addington) has initiated an annual scholarship of $400 for a 4-H member attending university or college.

Rebecca Barr, of Burridge in Central Frontenac Township, was awarded the scholarship at the Frontenac County 4-H awards night this fall. She is in her second year at the University of Guelph, enrolled in a Bachelor of Science and Agriculture, and majoring in agriculture. Congratulations, Rebecca!

The scholarship is awarded to a 4-H member who has demonstrated the 4-H motto, “Learn to do by doing,”and who has shown a sense of community in his or her 4-H activities.

The scholarship is an outcome of Local 316’ s Fall Feast, held annually to raise money to support education opportunities for new and young farmers. Funds have been used to assist people in attending workshops and conferences, and to help sponsor youth leadership training events. For more information, contact Ian Stutt, Local 316 president, at 613-483-0005 or

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