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NFU-O holds annual general meeting

A group of people standing in front of a poster.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | April 2020

In February, the NFU-O held its annual general meeting and convention in Hamilton, ON focusing on addressing climate change. Lynda Lukasik, shared how protecting farmland was part of making the province more climate-ready.

Stewart Wells, Vice President of Operations, presented on the NFU’ s new report Tackling the Farm Income Crisis and Climate Crisis that was released in November, noting that the farm crisis and climate crisis are related and share similar solutions such as electrifying everything from water and space heating to trucks and small tractors, reducing nitrogen use, and diversifying cropping approaches.

In the afternoon, Bryan Gilvesy from Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) shared how farmers can receive funding for taking marginal land out of production. Pam Charlton from Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association highlighted the funding programs they administer including the Environmental Farm Plan, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and the Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands. Sally Miller spoke about how the Fair Finance Fund takes investments from institutions and individual and lends it to those working within the local food sector. There is no collateral requirement, and once the loan is approved, mentors support the receiver throughout the life of the loan.

Members also heard reports from Council on provincial and national work, elected leadership, and voted on resolutions. The day ended with a shared meal which included ingredients from several members’ farms.

New NFU-O Farm Labour Project

The NFU-O has been approved for a project through the Ontario Labour Market Partnership (OLMP) funded through the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. We will be investigating causes and solutions of farm labour issues across Ontario, including challenges to training and retaining farm workers and new farmers.

This project will include a mix of consultation, research, and stakeholder engagement. That work will build toward a final report clarifying the farm labour situation in Ontario and identifying practical next steps for action by farmers, farm organizations, government agencies, and policy- makers.

As a first step, we are soliciting members’ opinions here:

Click here to view the PDF version.

A subscription to The Rural Voice is one of the benefits of being an NFU-O member 

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