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Farmers’ Rights: India and the Corporate Control of Food

A laptop on a desk with a reminder message for NFU-O AGM & Convention 2021.
National Farmers Union – Ontario Newsletter
The Rural Voice | February 2021

Join us February 25-26 for the NFU-O’ s first-ever online annual convention and AGM. Our keynote speaker is Kannaiyan Subramaniam a small farmer from south India. Kannaiyan will share his and his fellow farmers’ stories of fighting to retain control of their farms and farm income as well as continue to feed their families and communities in the face of new laws which would create an environment for consolidation of farmland, concentration of ownership in agricultural companies, greater control of markets and prices by large processors, retailers and exporters, and increased sales of commercial seed, chemical inputs such as fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides, and digital technology for data mining, surveillance and automation.

Additional panels will cover our farm labour project, and we will run a land-linking session with farmland owners looking for successors.

We will also hear reports from the NFU-O Board, hold elections, and host debates on policy resolutions. For more information or to book tickets, visit or call 1-888-832-9638. ◊

Click here to view the PDF version.

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