You belong in the NFU-O.

The National Farmers Union - Ontario (NFU-O) offers farmers a powerful platform to collectively advocate for their interests and shape agricultural policies. As a member, you'll gain access to a supportive network of farmers, valuable educational resources, and a huge suite of member benefits from our friends at ServicePlus.

Members of the NFU-O are also members of the National Farmers Union (NFU), which means members are part of a nation-wide coalition of like-minded farmers, and can work regionally, provincially, and nationally to bring about real change. The NFU unites farmers from coast-to-coast with a shared vision for a food & farm future that offers a secure livelihood for farmers, takes care of the earth, and delivers fresh, healthy, and delicious food to eaters three times a day.

Copy of Black_Sheep

Memberships for Farmers and Supporters

Whether you farm as a family, a collective, or an employee, the NFU-O has a membership for you! Not a farmer? Scroll down to learn how you can support our work as an Associate member.

Farm Business Registration (FBR) Membership

Every farm business that grosses over $7,000 annually is required to obtain a Farm Business Registration (FBR) number through Agricorp. When registering for an FBR, farmers can choose to defer their fees to one of three Accredited Farm Organizations (AFOs).

We believe the NFU-O is the AFO for you! When completing your FBR process annually, select the NFU-O as your AFO of choice.

Family Farm Membership

The “Family Farm” membership is for farmers who operate a farm as an individual or with family members. This is the most general, direct membership.

Every member of the family (including youth, ages 14 to 21) are full voting members of the Union.


Farm Unit Membership

The “Farm Unit” membership is for farmers who operate a cooperative/collective farm together.

Farm Unit memberships include up to 4 voting members.



Youth Membership

The “Youth” membership is for farmers under the age of 25.

Youth memberships are offered at a lower rate to make them more accessible and affordable to farmers just starting out.



Farm Worker Membership

The “Farm Worker” membership is for farmers employed on farms.

Farm Worker memberships are offered at a lower rate to ensure that essential agricultural labourers have equitable access to our organization's resources and support.


Associate (Non-Farmer) Membership

The “Associate” membership is for non-farmer supporters of the NFU’s work.

Associate members are not eligible to vote on policy resolutions or hold elected NFU office, but play a crucial role in supporting our mission through financial contributions, amplifying our message, and contributing valuable insights from their diverse perspectives.

"I joined the NFU-O to connect with other farmers working toward similar goals across the country."

Marcelle Paulin

Owner, operator, and organic vegetable farmer at Sleepy G Farm (in Pass Lake, Ontario near Thunder Bay)

Marcelle smiles with her son.

What opportunities await you as a member?

A pair of hands high fiving surrounded by a yellow highlighter circle


Join a community of like-minded farmers & supporters.

A blue hand with a thumbs up sign surrounded by a yellow highlighter circle.

Save big with a discounts package through ServicePlus.

A blue hand in the shape of a rock on symbol surrounded by a yellow highlighter circle.


Improve your operation with member only resources.

Two blue hands doing a handshake surrounded by a yellow highlighter circle.

Support & Guidance

Get comprehensive support from a staff team who want to see your farm thrive. Learn about our member Service Standard!

Frequently Asked Questions

If your farm grossed over $7,000 last year, you should apply for an FBR number and join the NFU-O by selecting us as your AFO. If you did not gross over $7,000, you should join through a “Basic Family” membership – unless you are under 25! Farmers under 25 should join through a “Youth” membership.

L'UNF-O est l'organisation agricole accréditée idéale pour vous.

NFU Ontario Accredited Farm Organization Drawing Man with Shovel Green Flat Edge-01

L'UNF-O est l'organisation agricole accréditée idéale pour vous.

NFU Ontario Accredited Farm Organization Drawing Man with Shovel Green Flat Edge-01