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Our op-eds & commentaries amplify diverse voices within our farm community, offering insightful perspectives on pressing issues and the evolving landscape of sustainable agriculture. Join the conversation, gain valuable insights, and be part of the discourse that propels our farm organization toward a resilient farm future.
9 posts found
The NFU-O gets the job done
January 18, 2017
The NFU-O is a strong and growing organization of family farmers; together we build successful, sustainable farms and vibrant rural communities. Our members develop farmer-friendly...
The NFU-O represents farming sector during a meeting of the Senate
January 17, 2017
On Thursday, December 8 2016, Emery Huszka - NFU-O President and Region 3 Coordinator - spoke at a meeting of the Senate. The meeting was...
Letter Re. the Ontario Climate Change Action Plan
June 15, 2016
Dear Ministers Leal and Murray, The National Farmers Union – Ontario (NFU-O) would like to congratulate you for your leadership in developing a Climate Action...
Supporters Welcome Prison Farm Feasibility Study
June 9, 2016
June 8, 2016 KINGSTON, Ontario -- Prison farm supporters welcomed the announcement last week that the federal government will conduct a feasibility study on restoring...
Minutes of February 9, 2016
April 11, 2016
The approved minutes of the meeting for NFU-O Local 362 for February 9, 2016. [gview file="https://nfuontario.ca/new/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/MinutesFeb92016NFU-Final.pdf"]
Letter re. Waukesha WI’s Proposal to Divert Water from the Great Lakes
April 8, 2016
Dear Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario: The National Farmers Union – Ontario is calling on you to object to Waukesha, Wisconsin’s proposal to divert...
Letter to the Editor re. GM alfalfa
April 6, 2016
Dear Editor, Forage Genetics International (FGI) has recently announced that it has sold genetically modified (GM) alfalfa seed to customers in Ontario. This GM alfalfa...
Saving the Central Experimental Farm and enabling Hospital Renewal
February 5, 2016
The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change (with responsibility for Parks Canada Agency...
Open Letter to Federal Party Leaders
September 25, 2015
Dear Party Leaders: According to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada State of the Sector, agriculture and the agri-food sector generated $108.2 billion in 2014, accounting...